Huîtres à la Rockefeller primum proclamatae sunt sub titulo Something new at Antoine's ("aliquid novi apud Antoine") in diario Neo-Aureliensi die 24 Octobris1909.[1] Popinam eo aevo rexit Iulius Alciatore, cui inventionem huius ferculi omnes adscribunt, sed annis variis: sunt qui 1889, alii 1899. Praeceptum anno 1912 divulgatum est, nomine Huîtres en coquille à la Rockefeller.[2] Dicitur cochleas modo Burgundico(d) (Escargots à la bourguignonne), apud Antoine's iam diu propositas et saepe requisitas, ob cochlearum penuriam afuisse; hac ratione novum ferculum introductum esse.[3]
Id ferculum apud eandem popinam Roy Alciatore patronus, Iulii filius, die 29 Aprilis1937 inferi iussit, adsedentibus praeside Franklino Roosevelt, Eliot Roosevelt Franklini filio, Ricardo Leche gubernatore Ludovicianae, Roberto Maestri urbis Neo-Aurelianae praefecto.
↑The Times-Democrat [Novae Aureliae] (24 Octobris 1909) fide Popik (2018)
↑Huitres en coquille a la Rockefeller: Raw oysters with a dressing made as follows, the quantity of the ingredients depends [on] the size of the order: One bunch of shallots, one bunch of parsley, two pounds of butter, one bottle of Spanish walnuts, half a bunch of tarragon leaves, two stale loaves of French bread, salt and pepper, and a liberal sprinkling of tabasco sauce. All of these things are pounded into a pulp in a mortar and then ground in a sausage machine, the mass being finally passed through a needle sifter. The oysters on the half shell are covered with the sauce and then placed in a hot oven to bake just three minutes. The oysters must be served at once: Daily Tribune [Sicagi] (26 Martii 1912) fide Popik (2018)
↑What's Cooking. De ferculis antecedentibus cf. Alexandre Dumas, Grand Dictionnaire de cuisine (Lutetiae: Lemerre, 1873) pp. 539, 648 ("Escargots à la bourguignonne, Huîtres à la daube"